The budget may be as simple as a one-page statement of projected expenses, or your project/program may require a more complex budget, including a page on projected support/income and notes explaining various expense items.
As you prepare to assemble the budget, go back through Goals and Objectives section of your proposal and make a list of objectives and tasks.
Then estimate the costs, or get an estimate from the person in your agency who is responsible for keeping the books. You may need to estimate the proportion of your organization's overall expenses that should be charged to the project and any new costs, such as salaries for project personnel not yet hired.
• Put the costs you have identified next to each objective or task on your list.
• Make Objectives and Tasks budget line items.
• Organize these so that they flow parallel to your Timetable.
Determine the costs for each line item and summarize them on a work sheet. The work sheet can :
• Remind you how the budget line items were developed
• Help you develop the proposal and discuss it with prospective donors
• Help you in evaluating the project/program and in reporting the results to donors
Budget Narrative
A budget narrative is not needed if your budget flows out of Goals and Objectives and the Timetable.